Learning French #3!

Check out the third video of my journey to learning French! I can’t believe how difficult it is to learn another language. I feel so unmotivated to learn the rules to the language and learn tense, past tense, ext. I seem to retreat to learning more simplistic sentences and words and try to make easy sentences out of them. I continue to battle it out though! Here it is!

5 thoughts on “Learning French #3!

  1. Hey Cole, When I took Spanish it was important for us to learn common phrases like How are you? Where is the bathroom? What time is it?- (like you said) How do I get to… and who, what, when, where, why etc. Maybe you could try that!

    1. Looks like you are making some progress Cole! I agree with Kerrie. When learning French and Spanish I found it important to learn the phrases of the beginning of questions because then when my vocabulary expanded I was able to pair it with question phrases. This helped me out a lot when I travelled to Costa RIca last year. Good luck!

  2. Ya I definitely tried starting with those kind of phrases, I could certainly learn more though. In a couple of the videos I mention how to say ‘how are you’ and ‘do you want something to ____.” I am going to look into more of those kinds of phrases though! Thanks everyone.

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